The nightmare scenario continues

Starting the day off with his favourite pastime President Bigly knocked off a few early hours flutters, including taking the opportunity to call Chelsea Manning an "ungrateful traitor."

Strutting into the breakfast room he surveyed the already gathered sycophants with pleasure, all waiting for me because I'm important he thought to himself. He pursed his mouth because he felt it made him look more presidential, then took his place on the gold-tone throne at the head of the table.

Political commentator Salem Colpurr:

"No Bigly, that pursed mouth doesn't make you look presidential, it looks like a cat's butt hole!"

After breakfast President Bigly, still feeling completely invincible since his minority voter election win, decided that he would threaten the Mogxican president in the ongoing wall spat—specifically that he, President Bigly, would cancel the meeting scheduled for next week. Obviously the Mogxican president was left shaking on his paws—not, because he retaliated by cancelling it himself.

This of course enraged President Bigly, "Who does that Mogxican cat think he is?" he raged to the room of sycophants. "Doesn't he know I'm the most important cat now in the world, no-one says no to me."

The Repurrican House Speaker tried to pour calm on the troubled waters by waffling about how Mogxico will pay for the wall but in more subtle ways imposed by the USofP. In other words, they don't have a clue.

Meanwhile, in Mogxico, a country-wide rally was organized where many of the Mogxican citizens lined up along the border and in unison turned their furry butts in Purrica's direction.

Political commentator Salem Colpurr:

"Hah! Lick on that Bigly!"

Doogie, eager to have something important to say, stated that the president is proposing a 20 per cent tax on imports from Mogxico. A short while later the Power House chief of staff corrected the alternative fact to 5-20 per cent, as a chastised Doogie stood by.

Political commentator Salem Colpurr:

"Funny, didn't campaign Bigly and then President Bigly regularly promise 35 per cent border tax?"

Pickle was also getting under the collars of the media by calling them the "opposition party," and making it clear that their heads were above the parapet and he was going to pick them off one by one.

Seven days down, 1453 days from hell left.