

Asia (aka Tailsia)

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Failing golf resort heavy on the gilt furnishings and light on golfers—especially those with a decent handicap. Has doubled its membership fee since its owner became President of the USofP to cash in on the possibility that rich stupid cats might bump into the president, or the guy with the nuclear football, for selfies.

Interestingly President Bigly hasn't yet made the link between the flooding that the resort experiences due to rising sea levels and climate change, which according to him, his administration, and the head of the EPA doesn't exist. Now experiencing a resurgence in Repurrican cats getting memberships, all new members will be issued with flippers and snorkels for when they play the eighteenth hole.

Bethlehem (aka Mewslehem)

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Blair House (aka Lair House)

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Brussels (aka Purrussels)

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Buttbook has two simple aims in life—to control all aspects of cats lives by invading their privacy with impunity, and to make maximum profits for its shareholders. After spending years of tricking cats around the world that it was the perfect social media network for keeping in touch, it then began to turn the screws on its users and monetize the information they thought they were only sharing with friends. With no morals or conscience Buttbook allows the posting of heinous crimes via video, which it only polices once a suitable level of outrage has been reached and it has benefitted from an increase in members wanting to view said crimes.


California (aka Calipawnia)

Also known as The Golden State, California enjoys a diverse geography including desert, coast, mountains, and forests. As well as its temperate climate, agricultural prowess, and famously laid back lifestyle, California is also home to Silicat Valley, the high-tech hub of the world. Being the land of opportunity it was successfully governed by a former bodybuilder and Mr. Universe turned actor for 8 years. An immigrant to Purrica he would be unable to stand for president despite his overwhelming popularity. When he left office in 2011 he was overheard to say "I won't be back!"

Canada (aka Beaverland)

Country north of 49 of the USofP's states, but considered by President Bigly as the 51st state. While populated by magnificent bears its national symbol is a cute buck-toothed furry rodent with a penchant for felling trees and building water-retaining structures. Rich in water and oil the current USofP president has set his greedy eyes on acquiring Canada's resources.

Cuba (aka Catba)

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Cat Guides of Canada (aka Cat Guides of Beaverlodge)

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Cat News Network (CNN)

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Cats Intelligence Agency (CIA)

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China (aka Jhina)

Country with a massive population—mostly male. Exports a monstrous quantity of low quality goods to the rest of the world, while importing almost nothing in return except high quality merchandise for the millionaires living in the cities with no idea that rural China and poverty even exist.

Columbia (aka Furlombia)

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Alt-right website that Pickle, the Power House's chief strategist previously managed. Known for its outspoken racist views, guest posts from Nazi sympathisers, and inability to report the truth, it's a favourite resource of Repurricans who voted for the current president while fondling their guns and spitting tobacco juice.

Confurderate Flag

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Dakota Access Pipeline (aka Dakitta Access Pipeline)

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The party who lost the 2016 presidential election and plunged the United States of Purrica and the world into a projected four years of chaos—if it survives that long.

Department of Littertray Security (DLS)

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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

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Sicily (aka Etna)

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Europe (aka Europurre)

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European Union (aka Europurrean Union)

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Fall Street

An area in New York that has become synonymous with greed, duplicity, elitism, and economic power. As a major financial centre in the world it uses its power to make the rich richer, and to screw the less fortunate who are trying to better theirs and their kittens lives.

Ferret News

A favourite source of incorrect information for President Bigly who believes every word they publish or broadcast. Heavily biased towards the Repurrican Party, the news channel—in the loosest sense of the word—has a reputation for 'publish and be damned' reporting, and rarely retracts mistakes—which if they did would probably take up most of their broadcasting time.


Social media platform that restricts users to a 140 character limit, meaning posts should be concise—or in the president's case semi-literate incontinent babble that spans over several posts (aka flutterstorms).

France (aka Furance)

Country well known for its love of garlic, baguettes, and berets. Ruled by the farming party, anything the French (Furench) farmers don't like results in them picketing roads, ports, and government offices until they get what they want—which they always do.

Furderal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

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Furbes Magazines

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Furderal Communications Commission (FCC)

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Furred Motor Company

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Fur Force One

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Manufacturer of innovative electric cars. Fursla cars are exponentially gaining popularity with not just the tree-huggers but also canny cats who care about the environment and gas costs. With big oil doing their best to ensure that electric charging stations are hard to locate sales have been held back by the challenge of driving long distances on a single charge. Oil prices currently in the doldrums also make electric vehicles less attractive to many, especially as there are no big trucks in the electric fleet to enhance insecure male cats egos.


Germany (aka Germanx)

Located in Europe (Europurre), Germany is a country that is famed for its love of bread, beer, and sausages—over 1000 different types. It holds an annual beer festival where cats in leather lederhosen held up with suspenders drink too much watery lager, eat too much sausage, and generally embarrass themselves on social media. Its 'everyone is welcome' attitude to migrants in 2016 caused major ripples throughout the world, and also in Germany where protests were held. Violence and unrest has unfortunately been a result of this felineitarian gesture.

Government Cat Communications Headquarters (GCCHQ)

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India (aka Curria)

Country known for its lack of littertrays, and even where rarely provided its catizens lack of understanding how to use them. Tends to think that everything tastes better curried, including kibble. India has a shameless not-so-secret—female kittens are not valued or wanted, as male kittens are considered more valuable. This has skewed the population ratio and now gangs of male cats hunt for unsuspecting female cats to attack. The country has cornered the market in call-centres and been responsible for hundreds of thousands of Purrican and other countries jobs being outsourced—cheap labour but crappy quality.

Iowa (aka Pawowa)

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Ireland (aka Furland)

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Israel) (aka Istail)

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Japan (aka Japurran)

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Jerusalem (aka Purrusalem)

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Keystone XL Pipeline (aka Furstone XL Pipeline)

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World's most powerful computer and phone manufacturer. It's founder believed in controlling every aspect of cats privacy and ensuring that it looked good at all costs with form a greater consideration than function... see leaving out USB ports on new laptops.


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London (aka Londinium)

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Manchester (aka Mewchester)

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Internet search giant that has insinuated itself into every online cats lives with multiple applications that you simply must be registered on.

Mexico (aka Mogxico)

Country that abuts the southern border of Purrica. The source of a lowly paid workforce who are happy to come to Purrica to pick the crops, sweep the streets, and all the other things that the Purricans don't want to do for themselves. According to the president most are "bad hombres" and will be deported from Purrica as soon as they can be rounded up. A new, impenetrable wall is also being built on the border to keep them out—or Purricans in.


New Orleans (aka Mew Orleans)

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New York (aka Mew York)

Location of Bigly Tower and where First Cat Kitty has chosen to live to avoid being touched by President Bigly—the thought of which makes her fur crawl. Also known as the Big Apple (Big Kibble).

North Atlantic Cat Treats Organisation (NACTO)

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Not A Purrican Trade Agreement (Napta)

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Naval Cats Investigative Service (NCIS)

Law enforcement agency investigating criminal activities involving the USofP's Navy and Marine Corps. Operating worldwide they carry guns, hack computers, drive muscle cars, and protect naval assets. The NCIS also spawned several TV series, although the original is still the primary ratings machine with the other spin-offs unable to hit the same popularity.

North Korea (aka North Urea)

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Iraq (aka Oilraq)

Source of the world's second largest oil reserves, and therefore a shiny trinket that the president wants to add to his collection. Having removed Iraq citizens from the second version of the immigration and travel ban, to curry favour with the Iraqi's in power, the president see's beautiful things happening between the two nations.


Palestine (aka Purrlestine)

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Palm Beach Country (aka Purrer Beach County)

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Philippines (aka Philipurrines)

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Qatar (aka Catar)

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The current ruling party of the United States of Purrica as voted in the 2016 presidential election, although some might question whether the current president is a Repurrican or an egomaniac with no party affiliation other than to himself.

Rome (aka Roamer)

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Russia (aka Borisland)

Being the largest country in the world by surface area it's somewhat ironic that its president is such a small insignificant cat suffering from small cat syndrome. A country known for its warmongering, and snipping off parts of other adjoining countries, Russia maintains the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. President Bigly announced early into his first few days in office that the USofP will be increasing its own stockpile so that he has biggest.


Saudi Arabia (aka Furdi Arabia)

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Scotland (aka Haggisland or Scatland)

Country currently part of the United Kingdom (United Catdom)—though possibly not for much longer if the Scots (Haggislandians) have their say again in a second referendum. The first referendum voted to stay in the UK, however, since the UK's vote to exit the EU it seems that the tide of opinion may have turned. Famous for the alcoholic beverage Scotch, and also haggis—sheep's stomach filled with cooked intestines and other nasty stuff. Scots like nothing more than to get into their tartan and enjoy a bagpipe wailing celidh. It also rains a lot.

Secret Service

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Silicat Valley

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South Korea (aka South Purrea)

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Egypt (aka Sphinxland)

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Squircle Office

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Syria (aka Qatyria)

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Tel Aviv (aka Tail Aviv)

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The Polygon

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The Power House

The home of the President of the United States of Purrica. Heavily protected by armed security, Secret Service, and police, the perimeter around the Power House is considered almost impenetrable and able to keep the president in.

Terminal Huge Ultimate Defence system (Thud)

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Trans-Purrcific Partnership (TPP)

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United Kingdom (aka United Catdom)

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United Nations (aka United Catnations)

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United States of Purrica (USofP)

The USofP comprises 50 states, plus its assumed 51st state—Canada (Beaverland). With only two parties constantly vying for power—Democats and Repurricans—it gets a little tedious when the balance of power swaps back and forth on a regular basis, with the administration in power dismantling the previous administrations legacy at each swap.


Vaticat City

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Virginia (aka Furginia)

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Washington DC (aka Pawsington DC)

Capital of the United States of Purrica, location of the Power House, and currently the home of God.