Howls of fury refurberate around the world

Political commentator Salem Colpurr:

"Well he threatened it as part of his election campaign, and now President Bigly has made good his promise with an executive order to build a wall cutting off the USP from its southern neighbour Mogxico.

"Stating that the United States of Purrica will get back control of its borders the president seems to have forgotten who does all the things in Purrica that the Purricans refuse to do—either because it's poorly paid, or just simply beneath them."

President Bigly was making a big show of today's executive orders, signing them at the Department of Littertray Security who will be enforcing these latest attempts to close the USofP's borders to all undesirables—anyone not a descendent of the original Purrica colonial settlers.

Political commentator Salem Colpurr:

"Oh, surely that means Bigly's an undesirable for not being descended from settlers either then, and not just because he's orange and nasty."

Stating that the new wall would protect Purricans from murder by undocumented immigrants—seemingly all 11 million of them being bad hombres—he also promised aggressive immigration enforcement, as well as Mogxico actually paying for the wall. The president of Mogxico, however, made it clear that his country would not pay for the wall—if Bigly wanted to keep the Mogxicans out then he'd have to pay for it himself, and pick the crops, clean the streets, serve fast food, and all the other valuable services that were provided by them.

Following up the Mogxico wall order was an executive order to strip federal funding from 'sanctuary' cities and make them comply with the president's new anti-immigration policies. Threatening a chokehold on the cities that don't comply with his orders the president ignored the millions of protests, including those from the Repurrican party, and proceeded with his xenophobic agenda.

Later, back in the Power House, Bigly sat in the Squircle Office and rubbed his paws together in delight. "I did well," he told the usual group of sycophants gathered around him.

"Masterful, superb, thrilling, catly, potent," purred Screetch.

"Worth of the master race," said Pickle as he massaged Bigly's shoulders in a disturbingly sensuous manner.

"I also gave the DLS carte blanche for torturing immigrants swept up in our cleansing program," said Bigly, "And I'm not protecting the dreamers either."

The sycophants all smiled and nodded their heads.

"I like torture, I like it a lot," said Bigly.