Four hours to insanity

Inauguration day dawned, and as President-elect Bigly performed his morning ablutions in front of the mirror he purred to himself, "Today you become the most powerful cat in the world. You deserve this. The others are all losers. From today you are the law."

Swaggering into the breakfast room he sat on a gold throne at the head of the table and gazed at his family.

"Princess you look stunning as always, if you were not my daughter I would totally be dating you."

He turned to his wife, "Kitty, why can you not look like Princess, that pale blue bow on your collar has no bling."

After a breakfast of steak—well done, President-elect Bigly checked his whiskers and fur were lacquered firmly into place and swaggered out. Waiting outside Lair House was one of the fleet of presidential Beasts to take the president-elect, the vice-president-elect, and their wives to the traditional church service where all cats would bow down and pray to god—or from noon, Bigly.

From there it was on to the Power House for the traditional saucer of cream with outgoing President Hendrix. President-elect Bigly settled himself in the limo and purred with catisfaction at how important he would look arriving at the Power House.

After the saucer of cream ceremony President Hendrix and President-elect Bigly left for the Capitol together in one last show of pretend unity. It was telling that President-elect Bigly pushed in front of President Hendrix to claim the side of the limo that would have the most crowds cheering—for President Hendrix. Meanwhile, Kitty was left to follow on with outgoing First Cat, Pepper.

"My door is always open," said Pepper to a despondent looking Kitty. "I know the world is without hope, but you mustn't let him, sorry it, drag you down. Be strong."