Keeping the rich healthy and the oil flowing

Today was going to be a big day in the Power House. The replacement for Hendrixcare was being unveiled. The new and improved package would withdraw vetcare from millions more Purricans, leaving them uninsured and unable to afford veterinary care—meaning no money no treatment.

As soon as the details were announced cats were already referring to it as Biglydon'tcare. With the Repurrican stance that vetcare should be a privilege of the wealthy and not a right, it certainly sets the scene for the value that's put on Purrican life by the Bigly administration.

Princess was also not in a good mood—Screetch was wearing a more expensive collar than she was. She sidled up to daddy and sensuously rubbed herself against him, "Daddy, I want an executive order banning any of the other female cats in the Power House wearing anything that isn't from my bling line. Sales need boosting and I don't like the competition from more talented designers."

"Whatever you say my sweet," said Bigly in his most indulgent tone, "Consider it done."

Rubbing his paws in glee President Bigly strode into the Squircle Office with another big thing on his mind—his new travel and immigration ban. Having revised it from the original ban that was overturned by judges throughout the USofP, he was assured that this time it would be a slam dunk.

Removing Oilraq from the ban this time around because they have something the president wants—black liquid gold—the Power House reiterated that the ban was crucial for national security. A few other changes were also incorporated, including allowing visa and green card holders back into the country they were already living and working in, and refugees who had already gone through the multi-year vetting process would also be granted entry—rather than detained when landing, questioned, then deported. There was also a crucial language change removing giving Christians priority over Muslims.

Putting his slow laborious signature on the executive order, this time President Bigly thought it was foolproof—apart from the fool signing it.

And north of the Purrican border, citizens of Beaverland were being denied entry into Purrica for mysterious reasons. Unsuccessful Beaverland citizens have been told they require visas—despite being born in the country—and the Beaverland government was refusing to issue them to their own citizens because they don't need them. There does seem to be a constant theme however—the colour of Beaverland citizens fur.

Ignoring more calls from top Repurricans to provide evidence of his wire-tapping allegations, the president put his paws over his ears and cried "la la la la la," until they left.